Multimodal Analgesia: Regional Anesthesia

Description: Virtual Presentation by Karen Boretsky, MD. & Sam Riega, MBA, RN. Objectives: Discuss the prevalence of opioid overuse as a complication of surgery; Value multimodal pain management; Understand the role of regional anesthesia as an alternative to opioids for the management of surgical pain; Recognize the difference between major block techniques; Recognize patient misgivings about regional anesthesia; Formulate strategies to allow patients to advocate for regional anesthesia as an alternative to opioids.

Author(s): Karen Boretsky, Sam Riega

Title: Multimodal Analgesia: Concepts & Implementation; Regional Anesthesia

Series Title: Closing the Door on Surgery as a Gateway to Persistent Use of Opioids.

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes

URL: (PowerPoint)

Sponsored by: C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonMultimodal Analgesia: Regional Anesthesia

Adolescents and Young Adults: Uniquely Susceptible to OUD

Description: Virtual Presentation by Karen Boretsky, MD. & Sam Riega, MBA, RN. Objectives: Understand the problem of surgery as a gateway to persistent opioid use; Discuss why adolescents & young adults are uniquely susceptible to OUD; Discuss opioid sparing alternatives to opioid monotherapy; Discuss how adolescent brain development contributes to addictive vulnerability; Discuss illicit drug use in Grades 8 through 12; Discuss persistent use of opioids in pediatric patients following surgery.

Author(s): Karen Boretsky, Sam Riega

Title: Adolescents and Young Adults: Uniquely Susceptible to OUD. Part Four.

Series Title: Closing the Door on Surgery as a Gateway to Persistent Use of Opioids

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video, PowerPoint

Length: 40 minutes (video), 15-30 minutes (reading)

URL:  (video)

URL:  (PowerPoint)

Sponsored by: rEASON, C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonAdolescents and Young Adults: Uniquely Susceptible to OUD

Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia

Description: Virtual Presentation by Karen Boretsky, MD & Sam Riega, MBA, RN, BSN. Objectives: Understand the problem of surgery as a gateway to persistent opioid use; Discuss development of opioid induced hyperalgesia in the post-surgical patient; Discuss the complexity of pain pathways and why multiple analgesic techniques improve outcomes; Discuss historical observations of opioid induced hyperalgesia; Understand the challenges of managing opioid induced hyperalgesia; Discuss opioid sparing alternatives to opioid monotherapy.

Author(s): Karen Boretsky, Sam Riega.

Title: Closing the Door on Surgery as a Gateway to Persistent Use of Opioids

Series Title: Alternative Surgical Opioid Use: Curriculum Introduction. Part One of the series.

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes

URL: (PowerPoint)

Sponsored by: Amedco LLC; C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonOpioid Induced Hyperalgesia

Opioids: Friend to Foe

Description: Understand the problem of surgery as a gateway to persistent opioid use; Discuss the prevalence of opioid overuse as a complication of surgery; Discuss opioid sparing alternatives to opioid monotherapy; Understand opioid related adverse drug effects and the impact on clinical and cost outcomes; Understand the complexity of pain pathways and why multiple analgesic techniques improve outcomes; Discuss multimodal, multidisciplinary pain management.

Author(s): C-WHO

Title: Opioids: From Friend to Foe

Series Title: Closing the Door on Surgery as a Gateway to Persistent Use of Opioids

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes

URL: (PowerPoint)

Sponsored by:


Anthony LeonOpioids: Friend to Foe
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