Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): C-WHO; Ken Corso

Title: Wyoming Prosper: A Veteran Focus.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 60 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeLdtyaoONg

Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonWyoming PROSPER

Communities PROSPER: Part IV

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): Ken Corso; C-WHO.

Title: Communities PROSPER: Part IV.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 60 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOLoqSH06cs

Sponsored by: I-ROPPES

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonCommunities PROSPER: Part IV

Communities PROSPER: Part III

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): Ken Corso, C-WHO.

Title: Communities PROSPER: Part III.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 60 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2c5DmsNBLM

Sponsored by: I-ROPPES

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonCommunities PROSPER: Part III

Communities PROSPER: Part II

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): Ken Corso, C-WHO

Title: Communities PROSPER: Part II.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 60 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHwP-QqnwO0

Sponsored by: I-ROPPES

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonCommunities PROSPER: Part II

Communities PROSPER, Part I

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): Ken Corso, C-WHO.

Title: Communities PROSPER: Part I.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 60 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJhdir5WmO8

Sponsored by: I-ROPPES

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonCommunities PROSPER, Part I

Managing Suicidal Patients in Primary Care

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D

Author(s): C-WHO, Ken Corso

Title: Managing Suicidal Patients in Primary Care.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as2aoeaPM0E

Sponsored by:

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonManaging Suicidal Patients in Primary Care

Mental Health Community Response

Description: A local community guide to help with opioid overuse and prevention in Idaho.

Author(s): C-WHO

Title: Mental Health Community Response

Resource Type: Website

Format: Webpage

Length: 5-10 minutes

URL: https://www.c-who.org/mental-health-community-response/

Sponsored by:

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonMental Health Community Response
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