Life Support. Episode 15: What to Know About Eating Disorders (Lyn McArthur)

Description: In a culture that can be diet focused and hold biases on food, weight, and exercise, it can be easy to ignore eating disorders. This week, Life Support speaks with Lyn McArthur about eating disorders, what the signs may be, and how to effectively help and treat those with eating disorders in this first part of 2. Come back in 2 weeks for part 2 of this important conversation.

Guest: Lyn McArthur
Host: Rachel Blanton
Music and Editing: Anthony Leon
This Episode of Life Support was made possible through funding provided by the CDC National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant, which is managed by the Health Disparities Team in the Bureau of Equity and Strategic Partnership – a bureau in the Division of Public Health of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Author(s):  Lyn McArthur, Rachel Blanton

Title: What to Know About Eating Disorders (Lyn McArthur)

Title Series:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Video

Length: 30 min


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Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support. Episode 15: What to Know About Eating Disorders (Lyn McArthur)

Life Support. Episode 14: Resiliency in Rural Communities (Laurie Strand)

Description: Join us for this week’s episode of Life Support where hosts Jen and Rachel talk with LCSW Laurie Strand, Owner of Resiliency Rising, to find out what resiliency is and what it means for a community.

Guest: Laurie Strand
Hosts: Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark
Music and Editing: Anthony Leon

This Episode of Life Support was made possible through funding provided by the CDC National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant, which is managed by the Health Disparities Team in the Bureau of Equity and Strategic Partnership – a bureau in the Division of Public Health of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Author(s):  Laurie Strand, Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark

Title: Episode 14: Resiliency in Rural Communities.

Title Series:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Video

Length: 25 min


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Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support. Episode 14: Resiliency in Rural Communities (Laurie Strand)

Life Support. Episode 13: Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health (Racheal Mayer)

Description: Staying safe online is becoming an increasingly hot topic with every advancement we see in technology. This week, Life Support sat down with C-WHO’s Social Media Manager to go over tips and tricks for staying safe online, current lawsuits against social platforms, and how social media can have an impact on mental health.

Guests: Rachael Mayer Hosts: Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark Music and Editing: Anthony Leon. This Episode of Life Support was made possible through funding provided by the CDC National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant, which is managed by the Health Disparities Team in the Bureau of Equity and Strategic Partnership – a bureau in the Division of Public Health of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Author(s): Rachael Mayer, Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark

Title: Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health

Title Series:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Video

Length: 30 min


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support. Episode 13: Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health (Racheal Mayer)

Episode 12: Resources – Youth Mental Health and How Families Can Support it (Amy Walters and Maria Torres)

Description: Youth mental health is a hot topic in the news right now, especially with the effects of the pandemic still impacting children and those in schools. This week on Life Support, we spoke with Amy Walters and Maria Torres about significant issues people should be aware of, how mental health care for children differs from that of adults, and how parents and schools can better support children facing mental health challenges.

Guests: Amy Walters and Maria Torres. Hosts: Rachel Blanton and Jen Clark Music and Editing: Anthony Leon. This Episode of Life Support was made possible through funding provided by the CDC National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant, which is managed by the Health Disparities Team in the Bureau of Equity and Strategic Partnership – a bureau in the Division of Public Health of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Author(s): Amy Walters, Maria Torres, Rachel Blanton, Jenn Clark.

Title: Resources – Youth Mental Health and How Families Can Support it.

Title Series:

Resource Type: Podcast.

Format: Video

Length: 25 min


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEpisode 12: Resources – Youth Mental Health and How Families Can Support it (Amy Walters and Maria Torres)

Episode 11: Substance Use Disorder: Struggles and Recovery (Jake LeClair)

Description: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) can be hard for anyone to go through and have adverse side effects in all aspects of life. That is why we had a conversation with Jake LeClair about the struggles that come with SUD, the barriers and the supports towards recovery, and his own experience with substance use challenges. Hosts: Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark Music and Editing: Anthony Leon.

This episode is presented by Cornerstone Whole Healthcare Organization and is funded by rEASON as part of a grant presented by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA/HHS, or the U.S. Government.


Title: Substance Use Disorder: Struggles and Recovery

Title Series:

Resource Type: 


Length: 10 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEpisode 11: Substance Use Disorder: Struggles and Recovery (Jake LeClair)

Episode 10: International Medical Graduates in Our Communities (C. Scott Smith)

Description: It’s time to celebrate a New Year with Life Support! This week, dive into the mind of Dr. Scott Smith as hosts Rachel and Jen learn more about International Medical Graduates (IMG), the barriers they face coming to the U.S., and what opportunities we have to better support IMGs. Let’s do what we can to support their fresh start in the New Year with Life Support! Host – Rachel Blanton Host – Jen Clark Guest – C. Scott Smith Music/Editing – Anthony Leon

Author(s): C. Scott Smith, Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark.

Title: International Medical Graduates in Our Communities.

Title Series: 

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Video

Length: 32 min


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEpisode 10: International Medical Graduates in Our Communities (C. Scott Smith)

Naloxone Education

Description: Powerpoint materials from Shelby Lancaster, PharmD and Tyler Hemsley, PharmD related to naloxone education.

Author(s): Shelby Lancaster, PharmD, and Tyler Hemsley, PharmD

Title: Naloxone Education.

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PowerPoint

Length: 30 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonNaloxone Education

Multimodal Pain Management

Description: A 1-page brochure with considerations for Multimodal Pain Management.

Author(s): Tyler Hemsley, PharmD.

Title: Multimodal Pain Management

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 10 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonMultimodal Pain Management

Depression and Meds

Description: Powerpoint materials from Anthony Peterson, Pharm D, illuminating the ways medication can be used to treat depression.

Author(s): Anthony Peterson, Pharm D.

Title: Depression and Meds.

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 20 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonDepression and Meds

Tapering Tear Sheet

Description: A printable sheet with tapering quick tips for providers.


Title:Tapering Tear Sheet

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 5 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonTapering Tear Sheet
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