Opioids and Benzodiazepine Tapers

Description: Virtual presentation by Tyler Hemsley, PharmD., and Shelby Lancaster, PharmD.


Author(s): Tyler Hemsley, PharmD, and Shelby Lancaster, PharmD.

Title: Opioids and Benzopiazepine Tapers

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 42 minutes

URL:  https://youtu.be/STakJi5RTL0  

Sponsored by: I-ROPPES

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonOpioids and Benzodiazepine Tapers

Putting It All Together: Developing Your Safe and Effective Pain Management Plan.

Description: Virtual Presentation by Karen Boretsky, MD & Sam Riega, RN, MBA.

Author(s): Karen Boretsky, MD & Sam Riega, RN, MBA

Title: Putting It All Together: Developing Your Safe and Effective Pain Management Plan.

Series Title: Part Seven of the series: Closing the Door on Surgery as a Gateway to Persistent Use of Opioids

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 52 minutes

URL:  https://youtu.be/gFUzYySAQFw

https://www.c-who.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Module_7_Putting_it_All_Together_to_Develop_a_Safe_and_Effective_Pain_Management_Plan_v2a.pptx (PowerPoint)

Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonPutting It All Together: Developing Your Safe and Effective Pain Management Plan.

Life Support: Kim Keys. Episode 6. Behavioral Health Parity

Description: Hosts Rachel Blanton and Jen Clark discuss the importance of behavioral health parity for insurance by bringing in Kim Keys to comment on the questions surrounding it. Kim Keys goes over what behavioral health parity is, how it impacts the people of Idaho and other rural areas, and why you should ALWAYS read your Explanation of Benefits!

Host – Rachel Blanton
Host – Jen Clark
Guest – Kim Keys
Music & Editing – Anthony Leon

Author(s): C-WHO; Kim Keys

Title: Life Support: Amy Walters. Episode 6. Behavioral Health Parity.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Audio

Length: 34 minutes

URL: https://hub.c-who.org/podcasts/life-support/episodes/2147816516

Sponsored by: C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support: Kim Keys. Episode 6. Behavioral Health Parity

Life Support: Amy Walters. Episode 5. The Role of a Clinician Psychologist in Primary Care.

Description: Introducing a new co-host, Jen Clark. Jen Clark and Rachel Blanton have a conversation with Amy Walters, PhD, about her start working with diabetes, the importance of clinical psychologists when working with chronic disease patients, and the negative impacts a chronic disease can have on mental health and how to cope with that. The health of a person can tie in and play with your mental health, giving us another reason to have a clinical psychologist.

Host – Rachel Blanton
Host – Jen Clark
Guest – Amy Walters
Music & Editing – Anthony Leon

Author(s): C-WHO; Amy Walters.

Title: Life Support: Amy Walters. Episode 5. The Role of a Clinician Psychologist in Primary Care.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Audio

Length: 23 minutes

URL: https://hub.c-who.org/podcasts/life-support/episodes/2147811491

Sponsored by: C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support: Amy Walters. Episode 5. The Role of a Clinician Psychologist in Primary Care.

IBH Resource Map

Description: Map of organizations involved in integrated behavioral health in Idaho.

Author(s): Idaho Behavioral Health Network

Title: IBH Resource Map

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webpage

Format: Map

Length: 5-15 minutes

URL: https://c-who.org/map/

Sponsored by: Idaho Behavioral Health Network, C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonIBH Resource Map

Life Support: Sura Edmond. Episode 3.

Description: Host Rachel Blanton sits with Sura Edmond to discuss Opioid Use Disorder amongst pregnant and post-partum women, the stigma that surrounds these women, and how to enhance access to treatment for all who are dealing with this circumstance.

Author(s): C-WHO; Sura Edmond

Title: Life Support: Sura Edmond. Episode 3.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Audio

Length: 25 minutes

URL: https://hub.c-who.org/podcasts/life-support/episodes/2147803767

Sponsored by: C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support: Sura Edmond. Episode 3.

Clinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention

Description: Virtual Presentation by Neil Ragan, MD Presentation Date: March 9, 2022

Author(s): C-WHO; Neil Ragan.

Title: Clinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes

URL: https://youtu.be/sY0e_azmCVQ

Sponsored by: C-WHO, PiICN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonClinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention

Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 1

Description: Virtual Presentation by Andrew Phillip, PhD., LP & Oscar Marquez, M.Ed.

Author(s): Andrew Phillip, Oscar Marquez.

Title: Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 1

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 120 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qch85NOYItg

Sponsored by: C-WHO, IIBHN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEssentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 1

Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 2

Description: Virtual Presentation by Andrew Phillip, PhD., LP & Oscar Marquez, M.Ed.

Author(s): Andrew Phillip, Oscar Marquez.

Title: Essentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 2

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 120 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0UzwO8XFg

Sponsored by: C-WHO, IIBHN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEssentials for Addressing the Needs of LGBT Individuals in Integrated Care – Session 2

Expanding Transgender Care to Rural Communities

Description: Part of the Idaho Rural LGBTQ+ Care: Residency Series. Jeffrey Pennings, DO Family Medicine Health Center & Family Medicine Residency of Idaho, Nampa Program Camille Evans, LCSW Valor Health

Author(s):Jeffrey Pennings and Camille Evans

Title: Expanding Transgender Care to Rural Communities.

Series Title: Idaho Rural LGBTQ+ Care: Residency Series

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 50 minutes

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd1eUGqyKNs

Sponsored by: PiICN, C-WHO

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonExpanding Transgender Care to Rural Communities
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