Psychiatric Context in Primary Care


Author(s):Si Steinberg

Title: Psychiatric Context in Primary Care

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 min


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Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonPsychiatric Context in Primary Care

Integrating Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) in Primary Care

Description: Virtual Presentation by Mark McGovern, Ph.D.

Author(s):Mark McGovern, Ph.D.

Title: Integrating Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) in Primary Care

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 90 min


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonIntegrating Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) in Primary Care

Pharmacy in Primary Care, Medication Therapy Management & Clinically Integrated Networks

Description: Virtual Presentation by Katie Erickson, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, Kelly Krawtz, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, Tyler Hemsley, PharmD, & Shelby Lancaster, PharmD.

Author(s): Katie Erickson, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, Kelly Krawtz, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, Tyler Hemsley, PharmD, & Shelby Lancaster, PharmD.

Title: Pharmacy in Primary Care, Medication Therapy Management & Clinically Integrated Networks.

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 92 min


Sponsored by: IIBHN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonPharmacy in Primary Care, Medication Therapy Management & Clinically Integrated Networks

Suicide Ideation vs. Death Ideation

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Title: Suicide Ideation vs. Death Ideation.

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Audio

Length: 12 minutes.


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonSuicide Ideation vs. Death Ideation

Lethal Means Education

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Title: Lethal means education.

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 12 minutes


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLethal Means Education

OUD Focused Suicide Prevention Training

Description: Virtual Presentation by Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Author(s): Kent Corso, PsyD, BCBA-D.

Title: OUD Focused Suicide Prevention Training

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonOUD Focused Suicide Prevention Training

So You Have Your MAT Waiver, Now What?

Description: Virtual presentation by Neil Ragan.

Author(s): Neil Ragan, MD

Title: So you have your MAT waiver, now what?

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 70 minutes


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonSo You Have Your MAT Waiver, Now What?

Opioids and Benzodiazepine Tapers

Description: Virtual presentation by Tyler Hemsley, PharmD., and Shelby Lancaster, PharmD.


Author(s): Tyler Hemsley, PharmD, and Shelby Lancaster, PharmD.

Title: Opioids and Benzopiazepine Tapers

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 42 minutes


Sponsored by: I-ROPPES

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonOpioids and Benzodiazepine Tapers

Putting It All Together: Developing Your Safe and Effective Pain Management Plan.

Description: Virtual Presentation by Karen Boretsky, MD & Sam Riega, RN, MBA.

Author(s): Karen Boretsky, MD & Sam Riega, RN, MBA

Title: Putting It All Together: Developing Your Safe and Effective Pain Management Plan.

Series Title: Part Seven of the series: Closing the Door on Surgery as a Gateway to Persistent Use of Opioids

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 52 minutes

URL: (PowerPoint)

Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonPutting It All Together: Developing Your Safe and Effective Pain Management Plan.

Clinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention

Description: Virtual Presentation by Neil Ragan, MD Presentation Date: March 9, 2022

Author(s): C-WHO; Neil Ragan.

Title: Clinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention.

Series Title:

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 55 minutes


Sponsored by: C-WHO, PiICN

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonClinical Pharmacy: PrEP & PEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention
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